This article provides guidance to VJBL club administrators to enable a participant registration form to be configured, registration opened, and the tryout process managed.
VJBL clubs that wish to hold a tryout process MUST utilise the pre-created VJBL Tryout and Preseason Program in PlayHQ to enable participant registration to the tryout. |
The VJBL Tryout and Preseaon pre-created program has been created by Basketball Victoria and made available in PlayHQ to each VJBL club. It enables a club to very quickly configure and open registration so that participants who are attending a club's tryout can register and optionally pay for their tryout registration with payment automatically disbursed to the club's registered bank account. Participants can also register, and/or be arranged by an administrator to tryout 'groups' (such as U12 Boys, U12 Girls, U14 Boys, U14 Girls, etc).
Important notes:
- A participant who registers to one or more club tryouts is not considered registered to the corresponding season of the VJBL competition UNTIL they also register for the VJBL Season. Each VJBL Club will need to send the relevant competition registration link to their selected participants in a separate process. For example, if I am a player and register to VJBL Tryouts at one or more clubs and one of these clubs offers me a spot in a team for the upcoming season, I MUST also subsequently register to this club for the relevant VJBL Competition Season ideally ahead of pre-season training. During this subsequent registration, I will be prompted to renew my Basketball Victoria Licence (if applicable) and may also need Clearance approval if I am moving from a prior club to a new club (a process automatically monitored in the system and managed in PlayHQ).
- Any player who last played for a VJBL club that is different from the VJBL club they wish to try out at must obtain Permission to Train prior to their first tryout session.
Set up steps for the club administrator to open registration
An authorised administrator must first login to the PlayHQ Admin Portal at
Once logged in, navigate to Programs and select the shared program Tryouts - VJBL:
Note: If you are an authorised administrator of multiple organisations (club or association), please select the relevant VJBL Club of interest via the Using as selector available at the top of the left-hand menu.
If the Tryouts - VJBL shared program is not visible please submit a support request requesting access to this.
Select the appropriate Season that the upcoming tryout relates to eg: the 2022 VJBL season:
The first task is to customise the Season Start and End dates to match the dates that your club is conducting the tryout process. To do this quick task, select the season's Settings and enter the appropriate Start and End dates, and Update & Save:
Next select Registration and the Settings sub-tab. Here you will set up the participant registration form and can optionally add Custom Fields (questions) to those already configured by the VJBL, as well as optionally include Merchandise Products that you have previously created if you wish:
Select Set up Form and proceed to complete, as appropriate, the required registration form set up details. The following table and screen images may assist you:
# | Item |
Description |
1 | Registration period | Set the Start date and time that participants will be able to begin registering for the tryout. Also, set the End date and time that registration will close. The PlayHQ platform will use these dates and times to automatically open and close the registration form. |
2 | Age limits | Optional - you can set the lower and upper ages for participant registration. If a participant's age is outside of the set range then the participant will be unable to register. |
3 | Registration fees | Set the registration fee you wish to charge a participant at the time of their registration. If you do not wish to charge a fee, enter '$0.00' as per the pre-configured charge if registering as a Coach or Volunteer. Note: to set any fee higher than $0.00 requires the club to have submitted and had processed their PlayHQ Payment Application (a one-time process) - support article available. |
4 | Custom Fields | Optional - Custom Fields are non-typical/additional questions that a participant is asked to provide a response to as they register. The VJBL has configured two custom fields that can not be removed by any VJBL club. Each club can add its own custom field/s as deemed appropriate - support article available. Custom fields that are configured to automatically show in the registration form. |
5 | Products (Merchandise) | Optional - Your club can create and offer for sale Merchandise Products such as a club hoody, playing uniform, basketball, socks, etc - support article available. Merchandise Products that have been created can be selected to appear in the registration process for a participant to select and pay for. |
6 | Overview
Optional - Relevant text information can be entered detailing Pricing and/or Additional (general) information. Details entered appear on the opening page of the participant registration process. |
7 | Terms and Conditions | Optional - If your club has configured Terms and Conditions - support article available - toggle this setting to be active so that a participant is aware and agrees to these as part of the registration process. |
8 | Registration visibility | Controls whether members of the public can see a link to the registration form. A registration form that is set to Hidden may still be used if the participant has received the registration form's unique link (URL) and the registration period is open. |
Note: The image below is the continuation of the same registration form setup as above.
When you have completed the registration form set up and successfully saved the form, you are returned to the Registration Settings main page. The registration link that has been created and that is visible here is totally unique and can be copied and sent to individuals if required:
Note: At any time you can return and update any aspect of the registration form settings by selecting the form's Manage option.
Set up participant Groups (optional)
Groups can be created to allow a participant to self-select/nominate to a group, and/or allow an administrator to allocate a participant to a group. For the VJBL Tryout process, a group is typically based on the age group and gender of tryout participants. For example, 'U12 Boys', 'U12 Girls', 'U14 Boys', 'U14 Girls', etc.
To create a Group, navigate to Participants and select Groups:
Select Add Group and complete relevant details. The following table and screen images may assist you:
# | Item | Description |
1 | Name | Name of the Group. For example, 'U12 Boys'. This will display to the registering participant if Group Visibility is set to Visible. |
2 | Day | Optional - select one or more days. |
3 | Sessions | Optional - enter the number of tryout sessions. |
4 | Start date | Optional - Select the date of the first session. |
5 | Gender | Optional - Select as deemed appropriate. Note - any gender of participant can still register to any group no matter the gender set here. |
6 | Venue | Optional - Select from configured basketball venues. |
7 | Court | Mandatory if a venue has been selected. Select from available courts at the venue selected. |
8 | Start time | Optional - select as appropriate. |
9 | End time | Optional - select as appropriate. |
10 | Group Visibility | To enable a participant to self-nominate their group during the registration process, set the visibility to 'Visible'. Set to 'Hidden' if you do not wish the participant to self-nominate to a Group. An administrator can always allocate/reallocate participants to the appropriate group. |
Groups that have been created appear as follows. A count of participants registered or allocated to a group also appears in this list view:
Select the View option for a specific group to view and if needed edit details of the group (the day/s, start/end times, venue, etc) and the participants allocated to the group:
Determining who has registered to the VJBL Tryout
There are various means available to determine who has registered to the club VJBL Tryout:
- Access a complete participant list
- Access a group's participant list
- Access a participation report
Note: All participants who are listed have successfully registered for the tryout at your club* and have met any payment requirement that may have been set by your club. If required, full financial reporting is available via the Reports section to reconcile payments deposited to the club bank account.
*Note: A participant may still require Permission to Train - obtained in a separate process to registration.
To access a complete list of all registered participants, select Participants and All:
Note: The participant list page paginates at 100 participant records.
Select the View option for a participant to open the participant member record. Here you can view and edit their responses to Custom Field questions, as well as access their contact and other details. If required, you can also Cancel the Registration of a participant to remove them from the tryout:
If one or more Groups have been created, selecting Participants and then Groups will list the configured groups together with a count of participants currently allocated to each group:
Note: Additional groups can be created at any time.
Select the View option for a specific group to view and if required edit details of the group (the day/s, start/end times, venue, etc) as well as the participants allocated to the group:
To access a participant report for the VJBL Tryout program, navigate to Reports and select Programs.
Next select the program Tryouts - VJBL, the relevant Season of the tryout, and then select Generate.
Note: A report will be generated in CSV format (a spreadsheet format that can be opened in a number of software programs such as Microsoft Excel). The report contains all details of each registered participant.
You download a report that has been generated by selecting the Generated Reports link. Opening the report in Microsoft Excel or similar allows manipulation of the participant details as appropriate:
Note: Microsoft Excel instructions are available to assist with opening and manipulating PlayHQ reports.
What does the registration process look like for a participant?
If the administrator has set the Registration Visibility to Visible then members of the public will be able to view a link to the VJBL Tryout registration form via your club site. Alternatively, an administrator can send via email or similar the unique registration form link to potential participants. A person who has received this link can go forth and register for the tryout so long as the registration period is open.
The participant registration process is very similar to the registration process that most, if not all, participants will have already previously made to domestic or representative competition seasons.
Note: Participants should ensure that they use the same PlayHQ Account for ALL registrations in PlayHQ. This will streamline their registration and ensure account duplication is minimised.
After selecting the registration form link, a participant is presented with the opening page of the registration form:
Selecting Get Started begins the registration process. A participant will first be required to Login using their PlayHQ Account, or alternatively, if they have never registered using PlayHQ they can set up an account (this will however be extremely rare for VJBL players as the vast majority play domestic basketball here in Victoria and therefore will have registered to the domestic competition season/s using PlayHQ):
Upon successful login, the participant or their parent/carer is presented with the option as to who to register - the Choose User step:
The Choose Role step enables the registering participant to select the participant role that they are registering as:
Selecting Continue allows the participant to enter/update/confirm their details, answer the included Custom Field questions, select a Group (If configured as visible by the club administrator), and update their emergency contact details as appropriate:
The two Custom Field questions that have been configured by the VJBL display in the Additional Details section:
Custom Field question 1 'Your previous VJBL (Friday night representative) playing experience' and the selectable options available are presented as follows:
If a participant selects 'My most recent VJBL experience was with a DIFFERENT Club' then the following Custom Field question 2 appears 'As you last played for a different VJBL club, have they given you 'permission to train' with the following selectable options to allow recording of their current 'Permission to train' status:
Progressing further in the registration process enables the participant to agree to Terms and Conditions, pay for any required registration fee as set by the Club, and submit their registration.
A success page confirms successful registration.
Note: The PlayHQ Account holder automatically receives two emails from PlayHQ, one confirming the successful registration of the participant, and a second email containing a Tax Invoice Receipt.
After successful registration, the PlayHQ account holder can access their PlayHQ Account and view the successful registration, and otherwise self-manage their account.
An administrator will immediately see the newly registered participant in the admin portal.