This document outlines the steps required (to be completed by competition administrators) to suspend a player or coach in PlayHQ following a Basketball Victoria Tribunal hearing. This should only be completed after the completion of a Tribunal Hearing Report ( Please note that only suspensions of players and coaches are to be entered into PlayHQ.
After logging into the PlayHQ admin console, select Game Day from the menu.
Select the date of the match that the participant was reported in and then click on the Details button corresponding to the relevant match.
Click on the Incidents tab and then click Add Incident.
Click Start.
Select the team, participant, Reportable Offence (Tribunal) for the offence, enter a – in the notes section and then click Create Incident at the top.
Click on the Details button corresponding to the incident you just created.
Scroll down to the bottom and click Add Outcome.
Set the outcome to Guilty, set the action to Suspension.
Enter the penalty duration, start date, end date, enter Ref: and the online tribunal hearing form reference number (from the confirmation email after submitting the online tribunal hearing report form) in the outcome note section and then set the incident to closed.
Please note that it is the period of the entered dates that suspensions are enforced for.
Click Create Outcome at the top.